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IGSC Student Research Forum

This exciting, interactive conference workshop is composed of two components held simultaneously in the same session:


1.  Student Research Forum:  Graduate students working in the area of sustainable computing and/or computational sustainability are invited to submit a summary of their M.S. or Ph.D. thesis work to the Research Forum Workshop at IGSC 2021.  Held in conjunction with the regular IGSC conference program, the aim of the Research Forum is to provide a specialized forum for senior M.S. or Ph.D. graduate students to present their Ph.D. thesis work and preliminary results in a poster presentation session. The Research Forum provides a unique opportunity for students to present their research work to the conference attendees, meet with their peers and experts in the field, and most importantly, receive feedback on their work. All the submitted Research Forum abstracts will be reviewed and the accepted abstracts will be published in the Proceedings of the IGSC Workshops and in IEEE Xplore.  If approved by NSF, IGSC expects to provide several student registration stipends to students studying in U.S. academic or higher eduction institutions for attending the Research Forum as outlined below.

2. Project Demonstrations (Demos)

Faculty, students, researchers, and industry members are invited to demonstrate projects related to sustainable computing or computing sustainability at IGSC.  The Demo session will be conducted along with the poster presentations  Demo teams are asked to submit a 3-page summary describing their Demo project (see submission instructions below).


Publication and Submission Instructions

1. For Student Research Forum:

Accepted abstracts in the Research Forum will be published (maximum 3 pages in length for each paper) in the Proceedings of the IGSC Workshops, which will be published in IEEE Xplore. 


Each submission must include:

  • An up to three-page summary (extended abstract) of the research work.  The author list in this extended abstract should only include the student name (first author) and the advisor.  The extended abstract should clearly list the main contributions of the student M.S./Ph.D. thesis. Also, it should include a list of recent publications, if any, in the reference section.

    • Submitted extended abstracts may not exceed a total of 3 single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style – see templates below), including figures, tables, references, etc.​  See IEEE conference style templates for details (Zip file downloads): LaTex Package (ZIP); Word Template (ZIP);

  • A recently published paper (conference publication or journal) by the student in the field, if any; and

  • A letter from the advisor, sanctioning the submission and acknowledging willingness to cover the M.S. or Ph.D. students’ registration fees if IGSC NSF Student Registration Stipend is not available. 


All the aforementioned requirements should be merged into a single PDF file and submitted at (Choose the "Student Workshop" track). 

Conference Attendance and Poster/Demo Presentation

The Research Forum participants are expected to register for the conference at the student rate with the expectation of presenting their posters during the Research Forum session at IGSC. The posters should be prepared in PowerPoint with the instructions for the Live, Virtual presentations provided later.

2. For Project Demonstration (Demos):

Accepted Demo Projects summaries will be published (maximum 3 pages in length for each summary) in the Proceedings of the IGSC Workshops, which will be published in IEEE Xplore. 


Each submission must include:

  • An up to  three-page Demo Project summary (extended abstract) describing the project and the planned demonstration event at IGSC.  The summary should clearly list the main contributions of the demo project and should include a list of recent publications, if any, in the references section.

    • Submitted extended abstracts may not exceed a total of 3 single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style – see templates below), including figures, tables, references, etc.​  See IEEE conference style templates for details (Zip file downloads): LaTex Package (ZIP); Word Template (ZIP);

  • A recently published paper (conference publication or journal) related to the demonstration, if any; and

  • A detailed plan on how the demo will be conducted during the Live, Virtual session (e.g., live demo, recorded video, power point presentation, etc).  


All the aforementioned requirements should be merged into a single PDF file and submitted at TBA (Choose the "Research Forum" option). 

Conference Attendance and Poster/Demo Presentation

The Demo Project teams are expected to register for the conference with the expectation of presenting their demos during the IGSC Research Forum session. 

Research Forum Student Registration Support

With pending support from National Science Foundation (NSF), IGSC is expecting to provide 8-10 IGSC student registration stipends (see Register tab for amounts) for attending IGSC and the Research Forum.  All Research Forum submissions are automatically evaluated for student registration support with no need for submission of additional materials in this regard.  NOTE: NSF support is ONLY available to students studying in U.S. academic or higher education institutions. 


Important Dates

  • Research Forum Abstract or Demo Projects Submission: October 1, 2021


Contact Information

Please contact the Research Forum Co-Chair Dr. Arman Roohi ( if you have any questions. 

November 2-3 2024, Austin, TX, USA, co-located with MICRO'24.

THE 15th international GREEN

 and sustainable computing CONFERENCE

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